Using SEGA ========== Starting components -------------------- SEGA offers a python script called ```` which starts components which are passed as command line arguments. One simply passes the name of the component(s), and they will be launched. .. code-block:: bash # Start the network component python network It is also possible to start multiple components, simply by passing multiple names seperated by spaces. Remote.ini ~~~~~~~~~~ The remote.ini file contains the locations of each and every component of SEGA. These are identified by a hostname and a port. Shipped with the source is a file called ``remote.ini.dist``. This file contains a default setup for using SEGA. Simply renaming it to ``remote.ini`` will take care of all the setup. .. note:: If one plans to use SEGA on several computers, one will have to change the hosts in remote.ini. It is also important to make sure that the remote.ini file is identical on all computers. Starting all components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The follow line will start all the components. .. code-block:: bash # Start the user interface + required components. python network wheels laser odometry sonar map gui position .. _ui: Using the User Interface ------------------------ The user interface is started by calling: .. code-block:: bash gui This starts the user interface. The make the UI actually do something, all the required components will have to be started. * Laser points are shown in blue * sensor points are in green. * The map is painted on the background of the user interface. * Red points indicate dangerous (collision) points. * Yellow points are detected corners. * Displayed in grey are the lines that are detected. .. note:: It is important to note that to actually get the user interface to show all this data, all the correct components will have to be launched.