.. _torrent-class:
The Torrent class defines a single torrent.
It is instantiated with a Torrent specific hash,
and connection information similar to :ref:`rtorrent-class`.
from lib.xmlrpc import RTorrentXMLRPC
import types
#from lib.peerrequester import PeerRequester
[docs]class Torrent(object):
Torrent class. This class contains most of the methods specific to a
torrent, such as get_name, get_hash, is_complete, get_download_rate, etc.
def __init__(self, target, _hash):
Initialise the Torrent object; pass a target dict (parsed by
parse_config in pyrotorrentpy) and the torrent hash.
self.target = target
self.s = RTorrentXMLRPC(target)
self._hash = _hash
def __repr__(self):
return 'Torrent(%s): %s' % (self._hash, self.get_name())
[docs] def query(self):
Query returns a new TorrentQuery object with the host, port, url and
hash(!) from the current Torrent object. The hash will be used as
default argument in the TorrentQuery class.
See :ref:`torrentquery-class`
from lib.torrentquery import TorrentQuery
return TorrentQuery(self.target, self._hash)
def get_peers(self):
# XXX: Begin hacks
# RPC Methods for Torrent. You don't have to pass the Torrent hash; it is
# automatically passed. When you invoke one of these methods on a Torrent
# instance.
_rpc_methods = {
'get_name' : ('d.get_name', # XXX: get_base_filename is the same?
Returns the name of the Torrent.
'get_full_path' : ('d.get_base_path',
Returns the full path to the Torrent.
'get_bytes_done' : ('d.get_bytes_done',
Returns the amount of bytes done.
'is_complete' : ('d.get_complete',
Returns 1 if torrent is complete; 0 if it is not complete.
'get_download_rate' : ('d.get_down_rate',
Returns the current download rate for Torrent.
'get_download_total' : ('d.get_down_total',
Returns the total downloaded data for torrent.
'get_upload_rate' : ('d.get_up_rate',
Returns the current upload rate for Torrent.
'get_upload_total' : ('d.get_up_total',
Returns the total uploaded data for torrent.
'get_bytes_left' : ('d.get_left_bytes',
Returns the amounts of bytes left to download.
'get_ratio' : ('d.get_ratio',
Returns the ratio for this Torrent. (Download / Upload)
'get_size_bytes' : ('d.get_size_bytes',
Returns the size of the torrent in bytes.
'get_size_chucks' : ('d.get_size_chucks',
Returns the size of the torrent in chucks.
'get_size_files' : ('d.get_size_files',
Returns the size of the torrent in files.
'get_loaded_file' : ('d.get_loaded_file',
Returns absolute path to .torrent file.
'get_hash' : ('d.get_hash',
Returns the torrent hash. Very useful.
'is_hashing' : ('d.get_hashing',
'hashing_failed' : ('d.get_hashing_failed',
'perform_hash_check' : ('d.check_hash',
Performs a hash check. Returns 0 immediately.
'open' : ('d.open',
Open a torrent.
'close' : ('d.close',
Close a torrent.
'start' : ('d.start',
Start a torrent.
'stop' : ('d.stop',
Stop a torrent.
'pause' : ('d.pause',
Pause a torrent.
'resume' : ('d.resume',
Resume a torrent.
'erase' : ('d.erase',
Erase a torrent.
'is_active' : ('d.is_active',
Returns 1 if the torrent is active; 0 when it is not active.
XXX: As of yet we're not completely sure what ``active'' means.
'is_open' : ('d.is_open',
Returns 1 if the torrent is open, 0 otherwise.
'is_hash_checked' : ('d.is_hash_checked',
Returns 1 if the hash has been checked, 0 is otherwise.
'is_hash_checking' : ('d.is_hash_checking',
Returns 1 if the hash is currently being checked, 0 otherwise?
"""), # TODO
'get_state' : ('d.get_state',
No clue as to what this returns yet.
"""),# TODO
'get_message' : ('d.get_message',
Returns the torrent *message*.
'get_views' : ('d.views',
for x, y in _rpc_methods.iteritems():
# Passing self._hash as first (default) argument. This may be easier in
# most cases. If you don't want to pass a default (hash) argument; use the
# _rpc_methods_noautoarg variable.
#caller = (lambda name: lambda self, *args: getattr(self.s, name)(*args))(y[0])
caller = (lambda name: lambda self, *args: getattr(self.s, name)(self._hash, *args))(y[0])
caller.__doc__ = y[1] + '\nOriginal libTorrent method: ``%s``' % y[0]
setattr(Torrent, x, types.MethodType(caller, None, Torrent))
del caller