Source code for peer

.. _peer-class:


The Peer Model.

It took me some time to figure out what was initially wrong with the peer
multicall - If only rtorrent had been
documented a *little* better.

from lib.xmlrpc import RTorrentXMLRPC

[docs]class Peer(object): """ Peer class. """ # FIXME: If we leave URL at '' xmlrpclib will default to /RPC2 as well. def __init__(self, target): """ Initialise the Peer object. """ = target self.s = RTorrentXMLRPC(target)
import types _rpc_methods = { 'is_obfuscated' : ('p.is_obfuscated', """ Returns if the client is obfuscated. """), # XXX: What is obfuscated in peer context? 'is_snubbed' : ('p.is_snubbed', """ """), # XXX: What is obfuscated in peer context? 'is_encrypted' : ('p.is_encrypted', """ Returns if the peer is encrypted. """), 'is_incoming' : ('p.is_incoming', """ Returns if the peer is an incoming peer. """), 'get_address' : ('p.get_address', """ Returns the IP address of the peer. """), 'get_port' : ('p.get_port', """ Returns the port of the peer. """), 'get_client_version' : ('p.get_client_version', """ Returns the client version string of the peer. """), 'get_completed_percent' : ('p.get_completed_percent', """ Returns the completed percent of the peer. """), 'get_id' : ('p.get_id', """ Returns the ID of the peer. """), 'get_upload_rate' : ('p.get_up_rate', """ Returns the upload rate of the peer. """), 'get_upload_total' : ('p.get_up_total', """ Returns the upload total of the peer. """), 'get_download_rate' : ('p.get_down_rate', """ Returns the download rate of the peer. """), 'get_download_total' : ('p.get_down_total', """ Returns the download total of the peer. """), 'get_rate' : ('p.get_peer_rate', """ """), # XXX: Rate? 'get_total' : ('p.get_peer_total', """ """) # XXX: Total? } for x, y in _rpc_methods.iteritems(): caller = (lambda name: lambda self, *args: getattr(self.s, name)(*args))(y[0]) caller.__doc__ = y[1] + '\nOriginal libTorrent method: ``%s``' % y[0] setattr(Peer, x, types.MethodType(caller, None, Peer)) del caller